So today I took away his water dish! I made knox block (recipe in previous post)
Once they were ready I was eager to try them as today was a work from home day which meant I could observe Boscoe and his tolerance to the knox blocks.
Well much to my dismay he looked at them, smelt them and then turned his head as if to say "mediocure at best woman"
I had read that honey might help.. I drizzled some honey and tried again. He looked slighly more interested however when he lapped one of the giggly squares up he just as quickly spit it out at me.
If this wasnt a matter of hydration I would have been offended. Next I tried drizzling some peanut butter on them and cut them smaller and put them on a plate on his step stool and voila! He ate them all up.
And licked the plate clean.
I held him for 10 minutes and knock on wood he has kept them down.
(Boscoe enjoying his first Knox blocks)
I modified his dinner slightly today:
- 1 can food
- 1 tablespoon water
- 2 tablespoons of chicken/beef broth
- 1 teaspoon of olive oil
- 4 knoxx blocks mashed up into small small chunks (think smaller than a pencil top)
- 1 table spoon of Peanut butter ( are you seeing a theme :-)) drizzled over the top of the mixture once plated. Yes Boscoe likes his food plated nicely.. He knows good presentation when he sees it.
Heard from the vet! Tests are still not in.. so onward we march.
Today was a good day! I feel like he has good nutrition in him.
Also made contact with Ryan my blog inspiration an ME dog owner from the states. He forwarded me plans for a travel bailey chair. Guess what our weekend plans will be. I believe the bailey chair will be a huge help especially in the mornings.
I will post pictures once we have it made. I am making modifications to the design to fit Boscoes needs and discerning taste :-)
Tomorrow I fly out of town for the day for work. Its not that I don't trust my family its that I have been predominately the care giver over the past 2 weeks and I am in tune with the importance of Boscoes special needs. I am a little nervous....
1 good day + 1good night = no regurg = no tears. I will take it.
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